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- Utilities Docs
- This file includes Documentation for all files in the Utilities Drawer. They
- have all been combined into one to save disk space.
- The Docs included in this file are:
- Formula!
- Lista
- MachII
- Pyro
- Doc File Headers are in RED!
- *****************************************************************************
- HERMES' FORMULA! (Version 1.0)
- Copyright (c) 1988 A. G. Kartsatos
- (CIS = 76617,121, GEnie = XTH58515, PLink = HERMES)
- *** Shareware Program ***
- Here is a program that complements my CALCULA program and can be of
- considerable value to various professionals who use mathematical functions
- in their work.
- It is a 3-dimensional function grapher.
- ATTENTION: The "TOPAZ 11" font should be in your current "fonts"
- directory. If it is not there, you will get the program running with funny
- fonts or you will get a GURU!
- To use it from the CLI: Press "RUN FORMULA!".
- To use it from the Workbench: Click its icon.
- To exit, choose "QUIT" from the menu, or click into the EXIT gadget.
- Formula! will actually graph any valid expression involving the
- 17 supported algebraic and trigonometric functions, 3 constants involving
- PI and 5 algebraic operations.
- In order to use Calcula, do the following:
- (1) Insert the function to be evaluated in the FUNCTION gadget.
- (2) Insert the values (if needed) for the six parameters in their
- respective gadgets. The front panel always appears with the
- default values for the parameters.
- (3) Click the GRAPH gadget.
- The function will be scaled first, and then it will be graphed on its
- own screen in the colors chosen by the user (COLOR gadget).
- ==========================================
- (I) Use only parentheses. No brackets are allowed.
- (II) The function must be at most 100 characters long.
- (III) This version does not support scientific notation. Also, all
- trigonometris functions are evaluated at angles expressed in
- radians. Use the rad function to convert degrees to radians.
- This means degrees with decimals like: rad(87.6).
- (IV) Avoid the use of numbers with more than 13 digits before
- the decimal point and/or 9 digits after the decimal point.
- (V) Exponential expressions grow or decay very fast. The largest
- power I have allowed for e is 32. (exp(32.)).
- (VI) Check the available functions, operators, and constants by
- choosing FUNCTIONS from the menu. Make sure that you are
- using the right notation for your functions.
- (VII) To CLEAR ONE of the string gadgets, click into it and press
- (VIII) You may use spaces between any expressions. No problem.
- (IX) Lower or upper case letters are allowed anywhere in the
- function gadget. The program turns them all into upper case.
- (X) For the sake of speed I have omitted error messages for a whole
- lot of nonsensical things that can happen.
- Make sure your input makes sense mathematically.
- (XI) The program will prohibit the generation of numbers that are
- prone to carry prohibitive sizes of error.
- (XII) CTRL-N gets you to the Workbench and CTRL-M gets you back to
- FORMULA!. If you are planning to work on the Workbench while
- FORMULA! is running, make sure to run it with "RUN FORMULA!"
- and not just "FORMULA!".
- (XIII) The built in parameters pi, tpi and pit denote the numbers
- PI, 2*PI and PI/2, respectively.
- (XIV) The function "as" (asin) has values in the interval [-pit,pit];
- The function "ac" (acos) has values in the interval [0,pi];
- The function "atan" has values in the interval [-pit,pit];
- The domain of "as" and "ac" is the interval [-1,1];
- (XV) When you raise a function to a power, make sure you enclose
- the function in parentheses. For example, you should use
- (exp(1.89))**2 instead of exp(1.89)**2. The same remark applies
- to other similar situations.
- (XVI) The AZIMUTH lies always between 0 and 90 degrees while the
- COLATITUDE ranges always between 0 and 180 degrees.
- I will allow bigger AZIMUTH ranges in future versions.
- gadget.
- (XVIII) The RESET gadget on the front panel will bring back the default
- values of the parameters, if needed.
- ====================================
- (1) Pressing "P" or "p" after the function is graphed, you get a nice
- palette on the screen. It will allow you to change the two
- surface colors and the two grid colors very easily.
- You can SAVE the picture with GRABBiT.
- (2) The palette will exit if you click into its EXIT gadget.
- (3) The screen with the graph will go into the background if you
- press the TAB key or the RETURN key. Natually, you can do
- that after the palette is out.
- (4) You can bring the graph screen back if you click into the VIEW
- gadget on the main panel.
- (5) When you bring the screen back via the VIEW panel, you must
- click into it to activate it! Otherwise it will NOT LISTEN
- (6) THE VIEW gadget will show you the screen with the graph,
- provided there is a graph to show.
- (7) The COLOR gadget could be used to modify the color of the current
- or the next function. If you want to modify the color
- of the function already graphed, just flash it with the
- VIEW gadget and then press "p" or "P" to get the palette on
- it. You can achieve the same result by (1) clicking COLOR on
- the front panel, (2) modifying the palette, (3) getting the graph
- screen back and (4) throwing the palette on it.
- The next graph screen will automatically assume the current
- palette collors.
- (8) Again, you can SAVE the screen with GRABBiT. I do not think
- that CLIPiT will work here.
- ere used unless otherwise specified):
- (a) sin(x**2 + y) - x + y;
- (b) 3*cos(x**2-y**2);
- (c) 3.45*sin(x-y**2), X-MINIMUM = -20;
- (d) 3.45*cos(2 - (x**2 + y**2)), X-MINIMUM = -5, Y-MINIMUM = - 5;
- (e) 3*cos(x**2) - ln(abs(x + y));
- *** <<<-->>> ***
- This is a SHAREWARE copyrighted program. If you find it useful,
- please send $15.00 to:
- A. G. Kartsatos (= HERMES = SOULI)
- 8524 Caladesi Island Drive
- Tampa, FL 33637
- (Telephone: 813-988-2146)
- With this contribution you will receive more programs written by the
- author.
- FOR SUPPORT, call HERMES BBS in Tampa, FL. A bulletin board with 1400
- files online and a healthy message base. The board is private, but you
- can leave a message to the SYSOP concerning the HERMES programs and/or you
- can download ALL HERMES PROGRAMS without registering.
- HERMES BBS Telephone: 813-985-7624.
- Other programs by the author:
- PALETTA.ARC (Color Mixing, Modifying IFF's, Random Colors)
- DUHERM26.ARC (Great Directory Utility. Macros, Parameters, etc)
- CALCULA.ARC (An Expression Parser And A Function Evaluator. Unique!)
- SIMPLICA.ARC (The Simplex Method Of Linear Programming)
- ROST.ARC (Reports On Storage And Tasks. Useful!)
- LISTA.ARC (Very Useful Directory Lister. Version 1.1 Soon!)
- SCRIPTA.ARC (Online!-PCP Script Maker. Easy script files!)
- Feel free to distribute this program, with the doc intact, to any
- bulletin boards and other non-profit establishments in the US and abroad.
- These include PLink, Compuserve, GEnie, Delphi, etc.
- The inclusion of this program, or any part of it, in any form in a
- commercial package, or its use for commercial purposes, requires the
- written permission of the author.
- Later...
- @@-->>> HERMES
- *****************************************************************************
- HERMES' LISTA (Version 1.1)
- Copyright (c) 1988 A. G. Kartsatos
- to list the current directory or
- Press "LISTA DF0:Souli" to list the directory
- "Souli" in DF0:. (Just an example)
- TO EXIT: Click into the WINDOWCLOSE gadget or into
- the center of the big rectangular area. You
- may also just press the TAB key.
- This is a Directory Lister. Around 10.9K, it will still fit perfectly
- into your c directory.
- It will list your files alphabetically with their respective sizes.
- It will also list the number of files and the number of sub-directories
- in the requested drive/directory.
- It now contains a CLI gadget that will allow you to execute any CLI
- command.
- It will also allow you to highlight all the files with names containing
- the word that you insert in the horizontal string gadget.
- It will handle up to 400 files.
- I open the LISTA window a little bit further to the right now so that
- the user can see part of the Amiga responses.
- (I) RE: This gadget will refresh the listing of your files whenever
- you click into it. For example, if you delete a file in the
- directory you are in, the listing of the files will not be
- automatically refreshed. To see the change, you must click
- into this gadget. I did this to avoid continuous refreshing
- of (sometimes too many) files after each change.
- (II) EX: This useful gadget will execute any CLI command that you
- put into your horizontal string gadget. Remember though: do
- not use CD in that command. You will be CD'ed to the desirable
- directory, but LISTA won't!!! Click into the CG gadget before
- you write your command in. There might be strings still left
- in the horiz. string gadget that you cannot see!
- (III) CG: Clicking into this gadget, you CLEAR the contents of the
- buffer of the horizontal string gadget. Necessary for the
- insertion of patterns and commands.
- (IV) CP: This gadget will clear the highlighting of all the files
- that were highlighted by the PAT gadget. It is not necessary
- to click into here if you change the pattern in the horiz.
- string gadget. PAT will take care of it.
- (V) PAT: This is a very useful gadget. (1) You enter a word into
- the horiz. string gadget. (2) You click into PAT. Voila! You
- get all the files whose names contain the word highlighted.
- I wrote a nice pattern matching sub-program for this. It is
- really very fast!
- Enjoy!!!
- @@-->>> HERMES
- Other programs by the author:
- PALETTA.ARC (Color Mixing, Modifying IFF's, Random Colors)
- DUHERM26.ARC (Great Directory Utility. Macros, Parameters, etc)
- CALCULA.ARC (An Expression Parser And A Function Evaluator)
- SIMPLICA.ARC (The Simplex Method Of Linear Programming)
- ROST.ARC (Reports On Storage And Tasks. Useful!)
- SCRIPTA.ARC (Online!-PCP Script Maker. Easy To Use!)
- FORMULA!.ARC (Great 3D-Grapher In C. Colors, Parsing, etc.)
- For support on the HERMES programs, call:
- 813-985-7624
- 1400 Files, 2400, PCP, Good Message Base, PRIVATE
- Also, you may call (voice) or write:
- A. G. Kartsatos (PLink = HERMES)
- 8524 Caladesi Island Drive
- Tampa, FL 33637, USA
- 813-988-2146
- *****************************************************************************
- MachII - Mouse Accelerator with Hotkeys. Version 2.0 04-23-88.
- This program may be freely distributed but may not be used in any
- commercial product without prior written permission.
- Source available. Shareware donations accepted.
- For those who hate doc files, just type "run MachII" and then
- "Cancel" the "Can't Open Configuration File!". Now activate the
- clock window with your mouse and press the right button. The
- requester displayed has all of your options and hotkeys. Change
- them to what you like and save it. AND TRY THIS; hit Alternate-
- Escape then Amiga-F1 then type (for example) "diskcopy df0: to df1:"
- then hit Alternate-Escape again. Now press Amiga-F1. Also look at
- F1 in the requester. Read on if you're still interested.
- Hotkeys 20 macros activated with the Amiga- or Ctl-Amiga-
- Function keys or by typing the first few letters
- of the macro.
- Accelerator Speeds up mouse movements. Adjustable.
- PopCli Execute a NewCLI or any other command.
- Screen Blanker Blank the screen after an adjustable period of
- time.
- SunMouse Activate a window by moving the mouse into it.
- ClickToFront Move a window to the front by clicking in any
- part of it.
- Screen Shuffler Use Left_Amiga-M to push ANY screen to the back.
- Clock Title bar clock with memory watcher.
- Alarm Set an alarm.
- Beeper Beep every 15 minutes. Adjustable.
- Meter Maintain online costs. Adjustable rates.
- Qualifier Accum Accumulate qualifiers to be added to a key.
- All features may be turned off. Unused hotkeys are passed through
- and may be defined on the fly. Configuration saved to disk.
- 1. All special keys and qualifiers except Amiga and Ctl-Amiga
- Function keys may be changed on the command line.
- The defaults are the Escape key qualified with:
- Alternate Begin/End a macro definition.
- Shift-Alternate Begin accepting macro name.
- Control-Amiga Popup requester.
- Amiga Execute command string.
- 2. When used in hotkey macros, function key numbers are
- single digits. This means that 0 is F10, 1 is F1, 9 is F9.
- 2.0 This is a major rewrite of Mach 1.6. Although it can still
- do everything that the old one could (and more), the method
- of setting your variables and hotkey macros has changed. It
- is about 8k larger (about 20k) but if this is to big, you can
- always use the old Mach. The nicest thing about this version
- is the ability to define a hotkey macro on the fly and if
- needed, edit it in a string gadget. There are now 20 hotkeys,
- the Amiga-Function keys and the Ctl-Amiga-Function keys.
- Bug fix: The accelerator works properly with ProWrite.
- May also help when using PageSetter.
- MachII is a utility program that provides many optional features
- for both CLI and WorkBench users. Your own configuration may be saved
- to disk. Each function key may be used as a hotkey and hotkeys may
- be defined on the fly. To do this, simply hit Alternate-Escape, an
- Amiga-Function or Ctl-Amiga-Function key and then type your macro.
- You will be prompted for these by messages in the clock and by beeps.
- You may use any keys including qualifiers, arrow keys and numeric
- keypad keys. When finished, hit Alternate-Escape again. You may now
- use your macro by hitting the Amiga-Function or Ctl-Amiga-Function key
- or by hitting Shift-Alternate-Escape, enough characters to uniquely
- match the macro followed by return. You may also edit the macro in a
- string gadget by hitting Control-Amiga-Escape or by activating the
- clock window and pressing the right mouse button.
- A configuration file is not neccessary but without one you will get
- the defaults. You will also get a "Can't Find Configuration File"
- requester. After you have setup your macros and other variables,
- save this to the file s:mach.config.
- Run MachII [?ltfwmprn]
- Most people will not need any arguments. These are provided for
- those who find a key combination that conflicts with another
- program or who want the clock in a different location or want a
- different config file.
- Arguments: All optional. Any order.
- ? Display help.
- -lnnn Clock left edge. Default = 296.
- -tnnn Clock top edge. Default = 0.
- -fname Load configuration file "name". Default = s:Mach.config.
- -w Disable auto clock to front.
- -mCALRSk Change the macro begin/end key combination to the
- string following -m. -mAE is the default Alternate-ESC.
- -pCALRSk Change the PopCli/Command string key combination to the
- string following -p. -pLE is the default Left_Amiga-ESC.
- -rCALRSk Change the requester key combination to the string
- following -r. -rCLE is the default Control-Left_Amiga-
- ESC.
- -nCALRSk Change the macro invoking key combination to the string
- following -n. -nSAE is the default Shift-Alternate-ESC.
- C = Control.
- A = Alternate.
- L = Left-Amiga.
- R = Right-Amiga.
- S = Shift.
- k = Desired key
- T = Tab.
- E = ESC.
- D = Del
- B = Backspace.
- H = Help.
- F = F1. (F1 only!)
- 0-9 = Numeric pad 0-9.
- - = Numeric pad -.
- . = Numeric pad ..
- e = Numeric pad Enter.
- Usage eg. Run MachII -l270 -fs/wp
- After it is running, you may either activate the clock with the mouse
- and press the right button or press Control-Left_Amiga-ESC. This will
- pop up a requester jammed full of gadgets. All options and hotkeys
- may be modified here.
- The gadgets are:
- 1st ROW
- left: Toggle between Amiga and Control-Amiga hotkeys.
- center: Clear all hotkey definitions.
- center: Abort a macro definition.
- right: Change the maximum macro size.
- 2nd ROW
- Select each hotkey.
- 3rd ROW
- Hotkey definitions.
- 4th ROW
- Left_Amiga-ESC execute string.
- 5th ROW
- left: Activate/deactivate SunMouse.
- center: Activate/deactivate ClickToFront.
- right: Activate/deactivate Screen Shuffler.
- 6th ROW
- left: Activate/deactivate Qualifier Accumulator.
- center: Toggle clock.
- center: Toggle online meter.
- right: Reset online meter.
- 7th ROW
- left: Select blanking interval. (0-99 minutes)
- center: Select beep interval. (0-999 minutes)
- center: Set the alarm time. 24 hour format.
- center: Select online rate. ($00.00 - $99.99)
- right: Change the acceleration rate. (0-9)
- 8th ROW
- Configuration file name.
- 9th ROW
- left: Done.
- center: Load configuration file.
- center: Save configuration file.
- right: Remove MachII.
- Hotkeys:
- There are 20 hotkeys. 10 are the Amiga-Function keys and 10 are the
- Ctl-Amiga-Function keys. In the requester you can select each hotkey
- with the Fn gadgets and toggle the Ctl-Amiga/Amiga gadget.
- The hotkey macros may be edited in the string gadget. The default
- maximum macro size is 255 characters but this may be changed in the
- size gadget. You cannot change the size while you are creating a new
- macro and the new macro size will not take effect until you select
- "Done". This controls the size of dynamic buffers which are allocated
- only during macro definition or when the requester is up. The actual
- macros take up only as much space as they need.
- Macros are invoked either by hitting the Amiga- or Ctl-Amiga-Function
- key or by hitting Shift-Alternate-Escape and then type some of the
- first letters of the macro and then return. The first macro found
- that matchs will be executed. If none is found there will be a beep.
- See the overview for defining hotkey macros.
- The escape character "\" may be used for the following:
- \N Newline.
- \T Tab.
- \E Escape.
- \D Del.
- \B Baskspace.
- \H Help.
- \u Up arrow.
- \d Down arrow.
- \l Left arrow.
- \r Right arrow.
- \0 Number pad 0.
- .
- .
- \9 Numeric pad 9.
- \. Numeric pad ".".
- \- Numeric pad "-".
- \e Numeric pad ENTER.
- \F1 Function key 1.
- .
- .
- \F0 Function key 10.
- Qualifiers modify the character immediately following these:
- \C Control.
- \S Shift.
- \A Alternate.
- \L Left-Amiga.
- \R Right-Amiga.
- Function keys not assigned to a hotkey string are passed through.
- Accelerator:
- The accelerator speeds up mouse movements.
- Its speed is set 0 - 9.
- 0 = no acceleration. (I use 4).
- NewCLI:
- The Left-Amiga and ESCape combination will create a NewCLI.
- You need to have NewCLI and Run in the c: directory. The NewCLI
- will have the same size stack as MachII. You can change the command
- in the execute string gadget.
- A full window example is "NewCLI CON:0/0/640/200/MyCLI".
- Screen Blanker:
- After 5 minutes of no mouse or keyboard activity, the screen will
- go blank. You can change this default in the Blanking gadget.
- 0 disables blanking.
- Sun Mouse:
- The window that the pointer is over becomes the active window
- after the first mouse movement. To be able to drag icons, the
- Sun Mouse is disabled while the left button is held down.
- Turn on or off with the SunMouse gadget.
- Click To Front:
- You can click in any part of a window and bring it to the front.
- Turn on or off with the ClickToFront gadget.
- Screen Shuffler:
- Left_Amiga-M will push the front screen to the back instead of
- pushing workbench to the back. Left_Amiga-N will still bring the
- workbench to the front. This is useful if you have more than two
- screens on at once, especially if they don't have screen depth
- gadgets.
- Turn on or off with the Amiga-M gadget.
- Clock:
- MachII has a title bar clock that displays available memory and the
- time. You can change its left edge position with -lnnn and the top
- edge with -tnnn. The clock is updated every second and brings itself
- to the front (if covered up) every 4 seconds except when the left
- button is held down. Sometimes this covers up information in the
- title bar so if you don't like this use the option -w. This disables
- the auto upfront and adds an (almost) invisible depth gadget.
- Activate the clock with the mouse and press the right button to
- pop up the requester.
- Turn on or off with the Clock gadget.
- Alarm:
- You may set 1 alarm time in 24 hour format. When it goes off, it
- will beep longer than the interval beeper and the screen will
- flash.
- Beeper:
- MachII has a beeper (to keep you awake) which defaults to a 15
- minute interval. Change this in the Beeping gadget.
- Meter:
- MachII has an online cost meter. Use the Meter gadget to toggle
- between the meter and the clock. Use the Reset gadget to reset
- the meter. The rate that it uses may be set in the Online Rate
- gadget. The meter runs continuously whether visible or not.
- The default rate is $4.75.
- Uninstall:
- Use the Remove gadget to uninstall MachII.
- Run MachII -l328 -t190 -mCSE -fs:maconfig
- This puts the clock at a left edge of 328 and a top edge of 190,
- uses Control-Shift-Escape to begin/end hotkey macros and loads
- your configuration from the file s:maconfig.
- Run MachII -pLT
- This sets the PopCli key combination to Left_Amiga-Tab.
- Run MachII -ne -fs/wpcfig
- This sets the macro invocation key to the keypad "Enter" key and
- loads a configuration file in the s directory named wpcfig
- Run MachII -mS. -rAH
- This sets the requester popup key combination to "Alternate-Help"
- and the macro invocation to "Shift-NumericPad ." .
- Run MachII -rLRH
- This sets the requester popup key combination to the "Left_Amiga-
- Right_Amiga-Help".
- Watch out that you don't have keys in conflict. The results of two
- functions that are assigned to a single key combination is unknown
- and is bound to cause headaches.
- I have found that the hotkeys do not function properly with the
- program Sili(Con:). When a string gadget (or any gadget anywhere)
- is active, the SunMouse does not work.
- Let me know if you find any incompatibilities.
- MachII may fail to run for any number of reasons (e.g. no free
- signals, insufficient memory). You will be informed of this if it is
- started with the Run command. If started from RunBack or
- RunBackGround (public domain program that will allow the CLI window
- to close and available on Fred Fish disk # 65) MachII won't run and
- you won't get any messages.
- The NewCLI brought up by Left_Amiga-ESC will have a stack the same
- size as MachII. Many programs that you may run from this CLI need a
- larger stack so either run MachII with a larger stack or, after you
- get a NewCLI, use the stack command to set your stack to a larger
- value. If programs mysteriously crash when run from the NewCLI, it
- may be caused by the stack size.
- If the macro size is set too small and you try to load a config file
- with longer macros, you will get a "Not A Mach Configuration File!"
- message. If you set the size too small and then select "Done" then
- activate the requester again, the macro size will be set to the
- size needed for the largest macro.
- Many disabled people find it difficult if not impossible to
- type key combinations such as Control-Shift-F1. MachII has
- the ability to remember qualifiers that are pressed and add
- them to the first non-qualifier key pressed. So you could for
- example, type Control, Alternate, and then F1. The Control
- and Alternate would be added to the F1 just as if they were
- pressed at the same time. This is not for someone who doesn't
- need it as it sometimes may cause unexpected results. If you
- type Control and then change your mind, the Control will still
- be added to the next key pressed. Pressing Caps Lock will
- reset the qualifier accumulator.
- Note that because most people will not want this, it defaults to
- off unlike all the other features.
- Turn on or off with the Qual Accum gadget.
- Copyright 1988 by Brian Moats
- Polyglot Software
- 10431 Ardyce Court
- Boise, Idaho 83704
- PeopleLink - BrianM
- CI$ - 76167,2334
- Other programs for the Amiga 500/1000/2000 from Polyglot Software:
- M18Cheater - Lets you cheat in Mean 18 by causing your opponent to
- slice. Public domain.
- FunBut - Lets you use the F1 key instead of the left mouse button.
- It's useful when playing games like Defender of the Crown
- because it sends repeat mouse clicks. Public Domain.
- 4 IN ONE - Four easy to play games on one disk.
- SlotCars For 1 or 2 players, arcade type driving and
- shooting game. Seven screens, great graphics.
- CircuitMania For 1 or 2 players, surround your opponent
- in a maze of wires.
- ShufflePuzzle Like the sliding number puzzles that you used
- to play as a kid but this uses beautiful color
- pictures.
- Follow That Tune Follow the bouncing boy as he jumps from
- pedestal to pedestal playing musical notes.
- These games are integrated into an easy to use package.
- Enjoyable for all ages. All use digitized sound. $29.95
- Dominoes - 3d graphics, speech, tutorial. More entertaining and
- challenging than Shanghai. $24.95
- The Crossword Creator - Make or solve crossword puzzles. 40,000+ word
- pattern matching dictionary, med-res or interlace,
- IFF compatible and many more features. $49.95
- *****************************************************************************
- Pyro! (C) 1988 By: Steve Jacobs & Jim Boyd
- Pyro! is a screen blanking program that goes beyond the normal screen
- blanking process. If there are ABSOLUTELY NO input events (mouse movements,
- keyboard presses or disks inserted or removed) Pyro! Takes over and starts
- a little fireworks display in color! Like real fireworks displays it has a
- few duds too! As soon as Pyro! detects any input messages it closes down the
- fireworks display and you are right back where you were.
- To Unload Pyro! press and hold down the left ALT key (first) and the CTRL
- key. Pyro! will tell you if it cleaned itself up.
- Future enhancements:
- 1- Make Fireworks display more realistic.
- 2- Add sound effects.
- 3- Drink a beer and watch the show!
- Oh Yea. The no events time is preset at 5 minutes. This means if there are
- no input events for 5 minutes you get a free fireworks display!
- What do we want for this? Frankly, other than being a neet little hack it
- doesn't do much other than save your monitor from burn in. So what we want
- is for Amiga users to have fun with it and make BETTER little hacks like this
- one!
- Steve Jacobs (GEnie: S.JACOBS)
- &
- Jim Boyd (PLINK: ????????)
- ps: Any bugs leave EMAIL to me on GEnie or Jim on People Link. Sorry Jim
- I didn't know your PLINK name!
- *****************************************************************************
- SpeechToy.c Original by Dave Lucas, Enhancements by Rob Peck.
- /* o Can now read and write its own icon to get the defaults you set.
- * o New menu item added to save current speech settings.
- * o Can be started from WBENCH or CLI; if from CLI, can still
- * read the icon file to get the default values.
- *
- * In the toolstrings, the data takes the form:
- *
- * SEX=1
- * SEX=0
- * for female (1) or male (0) voice.
- *
- * MODE=0
- * MODE=1
- * for expressive (0) or robotic (1) voice.
- *
- * FREQUENCY=20000
- * numeric range from sampling frequency MIN to
- * frequency MAX (see the audio.h file)
- *
- * RATE=150
- * words per minute rate, see audio.h for range.
- *
- * VOLUME=64
- * volume range from 0 to 64 (max).
- *
- * PITCH=224
- * pitch value for speech, range see audio.h
- *
- * These values can be saved in the icon by using the save menu item
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * WORDS=This is Amiga Speaking
- * anything you want it to insert in the English Phrase area.
- *
- * TRANS=1
- * means: Translate whatever words there are in the english.
- *
- * SPEAK=1
- * means: Say it. When this is in the icon, it opens up talking.
- *
- * This is the way you insert your own custom pronunciation.
- * Note that it MUST be legal phonetics per the Speech docs.
- */
- /* AREXX support:
- *
- * AREXX port is named SPEECHTOY, so that AREXX, which capitalizes
- * things automatically, doesn't need quotes on the name to
- * prevent it from capitalizing and not finding the port.
- *
- * To change any parameter, do EXACTLY as the toolstrings description
- * shows... I use the SAME routines to parse the command that AREXX
- * sends as are used to decode the icon's toolstrings.
- *
- * To send a command directly from a CLI interface, using AREXX
- * support function, do this:
- *
- * rx "address speechtoy 'WORDS=Say this you turkey'"
- * rx "address speechtoy 'TRANS=1'"
- * rx "address speechtoy 'SPEAK=1'"
- */
- /* CLI startup:
- *
- * To allow speechtoy to read its own icon, either CD to the
- * directory where speechtoy is located, then: run speechtoy
- * OR CD anywhere, then:
- *
- * run speechtoy <dir-where-icon-is-located>
- *
- * example:
- *
- * CD DF0:
- * RUN df1:speechtoy df1:
- */
- /* COMPILING: Lattice - compiles cleanly under Lattice 3.03 and 4.0
- * if stack is set to 20000
- *
- * Manx 3.4b compiles cleanly, used for this object file.
- * Use "cc +L toywork9.c" and "ln toywork9.o c32.lib"
- * (have not tried to adjust it for 16 bit integers).
- *
- * Original LUCAS comments (for most part) removed, see the FISH
- * disk with original speechtoy to see what was there before.
- * File got up over 65k source when I was through with it.
- *
- * Enhancements needed: Add capability to input PHONETIC strings.
- * Strip it down into just a speech server
- * with no windowing interface, but still read
- * the icon file for the defaults.
- */
- /* Written by David M Lucas. */
- /* Enhanced by Rob Peck */
- *****************************************************************************