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Utilities Docs
This file includes Documentation for all files in the Utilities Drawer. They
have all been combined into one to save disk space.
The Docs included in this file are:
Doc File Headers are in
HERMES' FORMULA! (Version 1.0)
Copyright (c) 1988 A. G. Kartsatos
(CIS = 76617,121, GEnie = XTH58515, PLink = HERMES)
*** Shareware Program ***
Here is a program that complements my CALCULA program and can be of
considerable value to various professionals who use mathematical functions
in their work.
It is a 3-dimensional function grapher.
ATTENTION: The "TOPAZ 11" font should be in your current "fonts"
directory. If it is not there, you will get the program running with funny
fonts or you will get a GURU!
To use it from the CLI: Press "RUN FORMULA!".
To use it from the Workbench: Click its icon.
To exit, choose "QUIT" from the menu, or click into the EXIT gadget.
Formula! will actually graph any valid expression involving the
17 supported algebraic and trigonometric functions, 3 constants involving
PI and 5 algebraic operations.
In order to use Calcula, do the following:
(1) Insert the function to be evaluated in the FUNCTION gadget.
(2) Insert the values (if needed) for the six parameters in their
respective gadgets. The front panel always appears with the
default values for the parameters.
(3) Click the GRAPH gadget.
The function will be scaled first, and then it will be graphed on its
own screen in the colors chosen by the user (COLOR gadget).
(I) Use only parentheses. No brackets are allowed.
(II) The function must be at most 100 characters long.
(III) This version does not support scientific notation. Also, all
trigonometris functions are evaluated at angles expressed in
radians. Use the rad function to convert degrees to radians.
This means degrees with decimals like: rad(87.6).
(IV) Avoid the use of numbers with more than 13 digits before
the decimal point and/or 9 digits after the decimal point.
(V) Exponential expressions grow or decay very fast. The largest
power I have allowed for e is 32. (exp(32.)).
(VI) Check the available functions, operators, and constants by
choosing FUNCTIONS from the menu. Make sure that you are
using the right notation for your functions.
(VII) To CLEAR ONE of the string gadgets, click into it and press
(VIII) You may use spaces between any expressions. No problem.
(IX) Lower or upper case letters are allowed anywhere in the
function gadget. The program turns them all into upper case.
(X) For the sake of speed I have omitted error messages for a whole
lot of nonsensical things that can happen.
Make sure your input makes sense mathematically.
(XI) The program will prohibit the generation of numbers that are
prone to carry prohibitive sizes of error.
(XII) CTRL-N gets you to the Workbench and CTRL-M gets you back to
FORMULA!. If you are planning to work on the Workbench while
FORMULA! is running, make sure to run it with "RUN FORMULA!"
and not just "FORMULA!".
(XIII) The built in parameters pi, tpi and pit denote the numbers
PI, 2*PI and PI/2, respectively.
(XIV) The function "as" (asin) has values in the interval [-pit,pit];
The function "ac" (acos) has values in the interval [0,pi];
The function "atan" has values in the interval [-pit,pit];
The domain of "as" and "ac" is the interval [-1,1];
(XV) When you raise a function to a power, make sure you enclose
the function in parentheses. For example, you should use
(exp(1.89))**2 instead of exp(1.89)**2. The same remark applies
to other similar situations.
(XVI) The AZIMUTH lies always between 0 and 90 degrees while the
COLATITUDE ranges always between 0 and 180 degrees.
I will allow bigger AZIMUTH ranges in future versions.
(XVIII) The RESET gadget on the front panel will bring back the default
values of the parameters, if needed.
(1) Pressing "P" or "p" after the function is graphed, you get a nice
palette on the screen. It will allow you to change the two
surface colors and the two grid colors very easily.
You can SAVE the picture with GRABBiT.
(2) The palette will exit if you click into its EXIT gadget.
(3) The screen with the graph will go into the background if you
press the TAB key or the RETURN key. Natually, you can do
that after the palette is out.
(4) You can bring the graph screen back if you click into the VIEW
gadget on the main panel.
(5) When you bring the screen back via the VIEW panel, you must
click into it to activate it! Otherwise it will NOT LISTEN
(6) THE VIEW gadget will show you the screen with the graph,
provided there is a graph to show.
(7) The COLOR gadget could be used to modify the color of the current
or the next function. If you want to modify the color
of the function already graphed, just flash it with the
VIEW gadget and then press "p" or "P" to get the palette on
it. You can achieve the same result by (1) clicking COLOR on
the front panel, (2) modifying the palette, (3) getting the graph
screen back and (4) throwing the palette on it.
The next graph screen will automatically assume the current
palette collors.
(8) Again, you can SAVE the screen with GRABBiT. I do not think
that CLIPiT will work here.
ere used unless otherwise specified):
(a) sin(x**2 + y) - x + y;
(b) 3*cos(x**2-y**2);
(c) 3.45*sin(x-y**2), X-MINIMUM = -20;
(d) 3.45*cos(2 - (x**2 + y**2)), X-MINIMUM = -5, Y-MINIMUM = - 5;
(e) 3*cos(x**2) - ln(abs(x + y));
*** <<<-->>> ***
This is a SHAREWARE copyrighted program. If you find it useful,
please send $15.00 to:
A. G. Kartsatos (= HERMES = SOULI)
8524 Caladesi Island Drive
Tampa, FL 33637
(Telephone: 813-988-2146)
With this contribution you will receive more programs written by the
FOR SUPPORT, call HERMES BBS in Tampa, FL. A bulletin board with 1400
files online and a healthy message base. The board is private, but you
can leave a message to the SYSOP concerning the HERMES programs and/or you
can download ALL HERMES PROGRAMS without registering.
HERMES BBS Telephone: 813-985-7624.
Other programs by the author:
PALETTA.ARC (Color Mixing, Modifying IFF's, Random Colors)
DUHERM26.ARC (Great Directory Utility. Macros, Parameters, etc)
CALCULA.ARC (An Expression Parser And A Function Evaluator. Unique!)
SIMPLICA.ARC (The Simplex Method Of Linear Programming)
ROST.ARC (Reports On Storage And Tasks. Useful!)
LISTA.ARC (Very Useful Directory Lister. Version 1.1 Soon!)
SCRIPTA.ARC (Online!-PCP Script Maker. Easy script files!)
Feel free to distribute this program, with the doc intact, to any
bulletin boards and other non-profit establishments in the US and abroad.
These include PLink, Compuserve, GEnie, Delphi, etc.
The inclusion of this program, or any part of it, in any form in a
commercial package, or its use for commercial purposes, requires the
written permission of the author.
@@-->>> HERMES
HERMES' LISTA (Version 1.1)
Copyright (c) 1988 A. G. Kartsatos
to list the current directory or
Press "LISTA DF0:Souli" to list the directory
"Souli" in DF0:. (Just an example)
TO EXIT: Click into the WINDOWCLOSE gadget or into
the center of the big rectangular area. You
may also just press the TAB key.
This is a Directory Lister. Around 10.9K, it will still fit perfectly
into your c directory.
It will list your files alphabetically with their respective sizes.
It will also list the number of files and the number of sub-directories
in the requested drive/directory.
It now contains a CLI gadget that will allow you to execute any CLI
It will also allow you to highlight all the files with names containing
the word that you insert in the horizontal string gadget.
It will handle up to 400 files.
I open the LISTA window a little bit further to the right now so that
the user can see part of the Amiga responses.
(I) RE: This gadget will refresh the listing of your files whenever
you click into it. For example, if you delete a file in the
directory you are in, the listing of the files will not be
automatically refreshed. To see the change, you must click
into this gadget. I did this to avoid continuous refreshing
of (sometimes too many) files after each change.
(II) EX: This useful gadget will execute any CLI command that you
put into your horizontal string gadget. Remember though: do
not use CD in that command. You will be CD'ed to the desirable
directory, but LISTA won't!!! Click into the CG gadget before
you write your command in. There might be strings still left
in the horiz. string gadget that you cannot see!
(III) CG: Clicking into this gadget, you CLEAR the contents of the
buffer of the horizontal string gadget. Necessary for the
insertion of patterns and commands.
(IV) CP: This gadget will clear the highlighting of all the files
that were highlighted by the PAT gadget. It is not necessary
to click into here if you change the pattern in the horiz.
string gadget. PAT will take care of it.
(V) PAT: This is a very useful gadget. (1) You enter a word into
the horiz. string gadget. (2) You click into PAT. Voila! You
get all the files whose names contain the word highlighted.
I wrote a nice pattern matching sub-program for this. It is
really very fast!
@@-->>> HERMES
Other programs by the author:
PALETTA.ARC (Color Mixing, Modifying IFF's, Random Colors)
DUHERM26.ARC (Great Directory Utility. Macros, Parameters, etc)
CALCULA.ARC (An Expression Parser And A Function Evaluator)
SIMPLICA.ARC (The Simplex Method Of Linear Programming)
ROST.ARC (Reports On Storage And Tasks. Useful!)
SCRIPTA.ARC (Online!-PCP Script Maker. Easy To Use!)
FORMULA!.ARC (Great 3D-Grapher In C. Colors, Parsing, etc.)
For support on the HERMES programs, call:
1400 Files, 2400, PCP, Good Message Base, PRIVATE
Also, you may call (voice) or write:
A. G. Kartsatos (PLink = HERMES)
8524 Caladesi Island Drive
Tampa, FL 33637, USA
MachII - Mouse Accelerator with Hotkeys. Version 2.0 04-23-88.
This program may be freely distributed but may not be used in any
commercial product without prior written permission.
Source available. Shareware donations accepted.
For those who hate doc files, just type "run MachII" and then
"Cancel" the "Can't Open Configuration File!". Now activate the
clock window with your mouse and press the right button. The
requester displayed has all of your options and hotkeys. Change
them to what you like and save it. AND TRY THIS; hit Alternate-
Escape then Amiga-F1 then type (for example) "diskcopy df0: to df1:"
then hit Alternate-Escape again. Now press Amiga-F1. Also look at
F1 in the requester. Read on if you're still interested.
Hotkeys 20 macros activated with the Amiga- or Ctl-Amiga-
Function keys or by typing the first few letters
of the macro.
Accelerator Speeds up mouse movements. Adjustable.
PopCli Execute a NewCLI or any other command.
Screen Blanker Blank the screen after an adjustable period of
SunMouse Activate a window by moving the mouse into it.
ClickToFront Move a window to the front by clicking in any
part of it.
Screen Shuffler Use Left_Amiga-M to push ANY screen to the back.
Clock Title bar clock with memory watcher.
Alarm Set an alarm.
Beeper Beep every 15 minutes. Adjustable.
Meter Maintain online costs. Adjustable rates.
Qualifier Accum Accumulate qualifiers to be added to a key.
All features may be turned off. Unused hotkeys are passed through
and may be defined on the fly. Configuration saved to disk.
1. All special keys and qualifiers except Amiga and Ctl-Amiga
Function keys may be changed on the command line.
The defaults are the Escape key qualified with:
Alternate Begin/End a macro definition.
Shift-Alternate Begin accepting macro name.
Control-Amiga Popup requester.
Amiga Execute command string.
2. When used in hotkey macros, function key numbers are
single digits. This means that 0 is F10, 1 is F1, 9 is F9.
2.0 This is a major rewrite of Mach 1.6. Although it can still
do everything that the old one could (and more), the method
of setting your variables and hotkey macros has changed. It
is about 8k larger (about 20k) but if this is to big, you can
always use the old Mach. The nicest thing about this version
is the ability to define a hotkey macro on the fly and if
needed, edit it in a string gadget. There are now 20 hotkeys,
the Amiga-Function keys and the Ctl-Amiga-Function keys.
Bug fix: The accelerator works properly with ProWrite.
May also help when using PageSetter.
MachII is a utility program that provides many optional features
for both CLI and WorkBench users. Your own configuration may be saved
to disk. Each function key may be used as a hotkey and hotkeys may
be defined on the fly. To do this, simply hit Alternate-Escape, an
Amiga-Function or Ctl-Amiga-Function key and then type your macro.
You will be prompted for these by messages in the clock and by beeps.
You may use any keys including qualifiers, arrow keys and numeric
keypad keys. When finished, hit Alternate-Escape again. You may now
use your macro by hitting the Amiga-Function or Ctl-Amiga-Function key
or by hitting Shift-Alternate-Escape, enough characters to uniquely
match the macro followed by return. You may also edit the macro in a
string gadget by hitting Control-Amiga-Escape or by activating the
clock window and pressing the right mouse button.
A configuration file is not neccessary but without one you will get
the defaults. You will also get a "Can't Find Configuration File"
requester. After you have setup your macros and other variables,
save this to the file s:mach.config.
Run MachII [?ltfwmprn]
Most people will not need any arguments. These are provided for
those who find a key combination that conflicts with another
program or who want the clock in a different location or want a
different config file.
Arguments: All optional. Any order.
? Display help.
-lnnn Clock left edge. Default = 296.
-tnnn Clock top edge. Default = 0.
-fname Load configuration file "name". Default = s:Mach.config.
-w Disable auto clock to front.
-mCALRSk Change the macro begin/end key combination to the
string following -m. -mAE is the default Alternate-ESC.
-pCALRSk Change the PopCli/Command string key combination to the
string following -p. -pLE is the default Left_Amiga-ESC.
-rCALRSk Change the requester key combination to the string
following -r. -rCLE is the default Control-Left_Amiga-
-nCALRSk Change the macro invoking key combination to the string
following -n. -nSAE is the default Shift-Alternate-ESC.
C = Control.
A = Alternate.
L = Left-Amiga.
R = Right-Amiga.
S = Shift.
k = Desired key
T = Tab.
E = ESC.
D = Del
B = Backspace.
H = Help.
F = F1. (F1 only!)
0-9 = Numeric pad 0-9.
- = Numeric pad -.
. = Numeric pad ..
e = Numeric pad Enter.
Usage eg. Run MachII -l270 -fs/wp
After it is running, you may either activate the clock with the mouse
and press the right button or press Control-Left_Amiga-ESC. This will
pop up a requester jammed full of gadgets. All options and hotkeys
may be modified here.
The gadgets are:
1st ROW
left: Toggle between Amiga and Control-Amiga hotkeys.
center: Clear all hotkey definitions.
center: Abort a macro definition.
right: Change the maximum macro size.
2nd ROW
Select each hotkey.
3rd ROW
Hotkey definitions.
4th ROW
Left_Amiga-ESC execute string.
5th ROW
left: Activate/deactivate SunMouse.
center: Activate/deactivate ClickToFront.
right: Activate/deactivate Screen Shuffler.
6th ROW
left: Activate/deactivate Qualifier Accumulator.
center: Toggle clock.
center: Toggle online meter.
right: Reset online meter.
7th ROW
left: Select blanking interval. (0-99 minutes)
center: Select beep interval. (0-999 minutes)
center: Set the alarm time. 24 hour format.
center: Select online rate. ($00.00 - $99.99)
right: Change the acceleration rate. (0-9)
8th ROW
Configuration file name.
9th ROW
left: Done.
center: Load configuration file.
center: Save configuration file.
right: Remove MachII.
There are 20 hotkeys. 10 are the Amiga-Function keys and 10 are the
Ctl-Amiga-Function keys. In the requester you can select each hotkey
with the Fn gadgets and toggle the Ctl-Amiga/Amiga gadget.
The hotkey macros may be edited in the string gadget. The default
maximum macro size is 255 characters but this may be changed in the
size gadget. You cannot change the size while you are creating a new
macro and the new macro size will not take effect until you select
"Done". This controls the size of dynamic buffers which are allocated
only during macro definition or when the requester is up. The actual
macros take up only as much space as they need.
Macros are invoked either by hitting the Amiga- or Ctl-Amiga-Function
key or by hitting Shift-Alternate-Escape and then type some of the
first letters of the macro and then return. The first macro found
that matchs will be executed. If none is found there will be a beep.
See the overview for defining hotkey macros.
The escape character "\" may be used for the following:
\N Newline.
\T Tab.
\E Escape.
\D Del.
\B Baskspace.
\H Help.
\u Up arrow.
\d Down arrow.
\l Left arrow.
\r Right arrow.
\0 Number pad 0.
\9 Numeric pad 9.
\. Numeric pad ".".
\- Numeric pad "-".
\e Numeric pad ENTER.
\F1 Function key 1.
\F0 Function key 10.
Qualifiers modify the character immediately following these:
\C Control.
\S Shift.
\A Alternate.
\L Left-Amiga.
\R Right-Amiga.
Function keys not assigned to a hotkey string are passed through.
The accelerator speeds up mouse movements.
Its speed is set 0 - 9.
0 = no acceleration. (I use 4).
The Left-Amiga and ESCape combination will create a NewCLI.
You need to have NewCLI and Run in the c: directory. The NewCLI
will have the same size stack as MachII. You can change the command
in the execute string gadget.
A full window example is "NewCLI CON:0/0/640/200/MyCLI".
Screen Blanker:
After 5 minutes of no mouse or keyboard activity, the screen will
go blank. You can change this default in the Blanking gadget.
0 disables blanking.
Sun Mouse:
The window that the pointer is over becomes the active window
after the first mouse movement. To be able to drag icons, the
Sun Mouse is disabled while the left button is held down.
Turn on or off with the SunMouse gadget.
Click To Front:
You can click in any part of a window and bring it to the front.
Turn on or off with the ClickToFront gadget.
Screen Shuffler:
Left_Amiga-M will push the front screen to the back instead of
pushing workbench to the back. Left_Amiga-N will still bring the
workbench to the front. This is useful if you have more than two
screens on at once, especially if they don't have screen depth
Turn on or off with the Amiga-M gadget.
MachII has a title bar clock that displays available memory and the
time. You can change its left edge position with -lnnn and the top
edge with -tnnn. The clock is updated every second and brings itself
to the front (if covered up) every 4 seconds except when the left
button is held down. Sometimes this covers up information in the
title bar so if you don't like this use the option -w. This disables
the auto upfront and adds an (almost) invisible depth gadget.
Activate the clock with the mouse and press the right button to
pop up the requester.
Turn on or off with the Clock gadget.
You may set 1 alarm time in 24 hour format. When it goes off, it
will beep longer than the interval beeper and the screen will
MachII has a beeper (to keep you awake) which defaults to a 15
minute interval. Change this in the Beeping gadget.
MachII has an online cost meter. Use the Meter gadget to toggle
between the meter and the clock. Use the Reset gadget to reset
the meter. The rate that it uses may be set in the Online Rate
gadget. The meter runs continuously whether visible or not.
The default rate is $4.75.
Use the Remove gadget to uninstall MachII.
Run MachII -l328 -t190 -mCSE -fs:maconfig
This puts the clock at a left edge of 328 and a top edge of 190,
uses Control-Shift-Escape to begin/end hotkey macros and loads
your configuration from the file s:maconfig.
Run MachII -pLT
This sets the PopCli key combination to Left_Amiga-Tab.
Run MachII -ne -fs/wpcfig
This sets the macro invocation key to the keypad "Enter" key and
loads a configuration file in the s directory named wpcfig
Run MachII -mS. -rAH
This sets the requester popup key combination to "Alternate-Help"
and the macro invocation to "Shift-NumericPad ." .
Run MachII -rLRH
This sets the requester popup key combination to the "Left_Amiga-
Watch out that you don't have keys in conflict. The results of two
functions that are assigned to a single key combination is unknown
and is bound to cause headaches.
I have found that the hotkeys do not function properly with the
program Sili(Con:). When a string gadget (or any gadget anywhere)
is active, the SunMouse does not work.
Let me know if you find any incompatibilities.
MachII may fail to run for any number of reasons (e.g. no free
signals, insufficient memory). You will be informed of this if it is
started with the Run command. If started from RunBack or
RunBackGround (public domain program that will allow the CLI window
to close and available on Fred Fish disk # 65) MachII won't run and
you won't get any messages.
The NewCLI brought up by Left_Amiga-ESC will have a stack the same
size as MachII. Many programs that you may run from this CLI need a
larger stack so either run MachII with a larger stack or, after you
get a NewCLI, use the stack command to set your stack to a larger
value. If programs mysteriously crash when run from the NewCLI, it
may be caused by the stack size.
If the macro size is set too small and you try to load a config file
with longer macros, you will get a "Not A Mach Configuration File!"
message. If you set the size too small and then select "Done" then
activate the requester again, the macro size will be set to the
size needed for the largest macro.
Many disabled people find it difficult if not impossible to
type key combinations such as Control-Shift-F1. MachII has
the ability to remember qualifiers that are pressed and add
them to the first non-qualifier key pressed. So you could for
example, type Control, Alternate, and then F1. The Control
and Alternate would be added to the F1 just as if they were
pressed at the same time. This is not for someone who doesn't
need it as it sometimes may cause unexpected results. If you
type Control and then change your mind, the Control will still
be added to the next key pressed. Pressing Caps Lock will
reset the qualifier accumulator.
Note that because most people will not want this, it defaults to
off unlike all the other features.
Turn on or off with the Qual Accum gadget.
Copyright 1988 by Brian Moats
Polyglot Software
10431 Ardyce Court
Boise, Idaho 83704
PeopleLink - BrianM
CI$ - 76167,2334
Other programs for the Amiga 500/1000/2000 from Polyglot Software:
M18Cheater - Lets you cheat in Mean 18 by causing your opponent to
slice. Public domain.
FunBut - Lets you use the F1 key instead of the left mouse button.
It's useful when playing games like Defender of the Crown
because it sends repeat mouse clicks. Public Domain.
4 IN ONE - Four easy to play games on one disk.
SlotCars For 1 or 2 players, arcade type driving and
shooting game. Seven screens, great graphics.
CircuitMania For 1 or 2 players, surround your opponent
in a maze of wires.
ShufflePuzzle Like the sliding number puzzles that you used
to play as a kid but this uses beautiful color
Follow That Tune Follow the bouncing boy as he jumps from
pedestal to pedestal playing musical notes.
These games are integrated into an easy to use package.
Enjoyable for all ages. All use digitized sound. $29.95
Dominoes - 3d graphics, speech, tutorial. More entertaining and
challenging than Shanghai. $24.95
The Crossword Creator - Make or solve crossword puzzles. 40,000+ word
pattern matching dictionary, med-res or interlace,
IFF compatible and many more features. $49.95
Pyro! (C) 1988 By: Steve Jacobs & Jim Boyd
Pyro! is a screen blanking program that goes beyond the normal screen
blanking process. If there are ABSOLUTELY NO input events (mouse movements,
keyboard presses or disks inserted or removed) Pyro! Takes over and starts
a little fireworks display in color! Like real fireworks displays it has a
few duds too! As soon as Pyro! detects any input messages it closes down the
fireworks display and you are right back where you were.
To Unload Pyro! press and hold down the left ALT key (first) and the CTRL
key. Pyro! will tell you if it cleaned itself up.
Future enhancements:
1- Make Fireworks display more realistic.
2- Add sound effects.
3- Drink a beer and watch the show!
Oh Yea. The no events time is preset at 5 minutes. This means if there are
no input events for 5 minutes you get a free fireworks display!
What do we want for this? Frankly, other than being a neet little hack it
doesn't do much other than save your monitor from burn in. So what we want
is for Amiga users to have fun with it and make BETTER little hacks like this
Steve Jacobs (GEnie: S.JACOBS)
Jim Boyd (PLINK: ????????)
ps: Any bugs leave EMAIL to me on GEnie or Jim on People Link. Sorry Jim
I didn't know your PLINK name!
SpeechToy.c Original by Dave Lucas, Enhancements by Rob Peck.
/* o Can now read and write its own icon to get the defaults you set.
* o New menu item added to save current speech settings.
* o Can be started from WBENCH or CLI; if from CLI, can still
* read the icon file to get the default values.
* In the toolstrings, the data takes the form:
* SEX=1
* SEX=0
* for female (1) or male (0) voice.
* MODE=0
* MODE=1
* for expressive (0) or robotic (1) voice.
* numeric range from sampling frequency MIN to
* frequency MAX (see the audio.h file)
* RATE=150
* words per minute rate, see audio.h for range.
* volume range from 0 to 64 (max).
* PITCH=224
* pitch value for speech, range see audio.h
* These values can be saved in the icon by using the save menu item
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* WORDS=This is Amiga Speaking
* anything you want it to insert in the English Phrase area.
* means: Translate whatever words there are in the english.
* means: Say it. When this is in the icon, it opens up talking.
* This is the way you insert your own custom pronunciation.
* Note that it MUST be legal phonetics per the Speech docs.
/* AREXX support:
* AREXX port is named SPEECHTOY, so that AREXX, which capitalizes
* things automatically, doesn't need quotes on the name to
* prevent it from capitalizing and not finding the port.
* To change any parameter, do EXACTLY as the toolstrings description
* shows... I use the SAME routines to parse the command that AREXX
* sends as are used to decode the icon's toolstrings.
* To send a command directly from a CLI interface, using AREXX
* support function, do this:
* rx "address speechtoy 'WORDS=Say this you turkey'"
* rx "address speechtoy 'TRANS=1'"
* rx "address speechtoy 'SPEAK=1'"
/* CLI startup:
* To allow speechtoy to read its own icon, either CD to the
* directory where speechtoy is located, then: run speechtoy
* OR CD anywhere, then:
* run speechtoy <dir-where-icon-is-located>
* example:
* CD DF0:
* RUN df1:speechtoy df1:
/* COMPILING: Lattice - compiles cleanly under Lattice 3.03 and 4.0
* if stack is set to 20000
* Manx 3.4b compiles cleanly, used for this object file.
* Use "cc +L toywork9.c" and "ln toywork9.o c32.lib"
* (have not tried to adjust it for 16 bit integers).
* Original LUCAS comments (for most part) removed, see the FISH
* disk with original speechtoy to see what was there before.
* File got up over 65k source when I was through with it.
* Enhancements needed: Add capability to input PHONETIC strings.
* Strip it down into just a speech server
* with no windowing interface, but still read
* the icon file for the defaults.
/* Written by David M Lucas. */
/* Enhanced by Rob Peck */